Justifing Aurelia to myself

Thanks to hard-working core team of Au2, still going well with it. I just don’t see a need for the other frameworks and you end up with similar problems in those other frameworks.

There is still a big chance of Au2 having the strike potential to take down the other frameworks down a peg because there is still so much in terms of inefficiency of a lot of SPA frameworks and the way they are coded.

I’ve always had just such an easier time working with and teaching Au1 and even Au2.

Keep motivated, the framework wars are not over.


Stop giving me a false sense of hope…

I’m full of hope at the moment! :slight_smile:


Aurelia is alive and well. AcumaticaERP, the worlds fastest growing cloud ERP just released the preview version of their new Modern UI based on Aurelia.

By virtue of this there will be hundreds of current developers moving from ASPX WebForms to Aurelia-our developer being one of them.

You can check out Acumatica’s implementation at https://help.acumatica.com

p.s. I do not work for Acumatica.


Nice, do you know if they use Au 1 or 2?

I don’t know but I’m going to find out.

-Freeman Helmuth