Still confused about this… Let me explain what I want to do…
I can and have already added custom elements to a parent element.
One of those is elements is a calendar layout with say three day columns and hours say from 8.00am to 5.00pm with each hour broken into either 2 (half hour) or 4 (quarter hour).
What I want to do is create this on the fly based on options passed into the parent container like say how many hours and is it split into quarter or half hour intervals and show accordingly.
So what I wanted to do was create this via typescript. You know… if its 8am to 7am then display that many hours etc.
How would you build this via custom elements but in the VM and not in the view… eg use a loop to simply spin out the number of boxes based on the options… is there an easy way… I am open to suggestions…
Unless there is a better way to add elements via the view model directly this is what was able to come up with… happy for someone to suggest another more aurelia way etc.
import { bindable, View, inject, bindingMode, autoinject, DOM, TemplatingEngine } from 'aurelia-framework';
import * as moment from 'moment';
//import * as $ from 'jQuery';
@inject(Element, TemplatingEngine, DOM)
export class CalendarCustomElement {
private today: moment.Moment;
childView: any;
@bindable currentDate: Date;
private element: Element
private templatingEngine: TemplatingEngine;
constructor(private Element: Element, private TemplatingEngine: TemplatingEngine) { = moment();
this.currentDate =;
this.element = Element;
this.templatingEngine = TemplatingEngine;
attached() {
let childElement = DOM.createElement('div');
let anotherElement = DOM.createElement('span');
anotherElement.setAttribute('class', 'cal-header');
detached() {
console.log({ event: 'detached: Calender', this: this });
unbind() {
console.log({ event: 'unbind: Calender', this: this });
This was a test to add elements to this element via the VM… what I aim to do is use a for loop and create the individual cells - divs or custom elements depending on the options given… is there a better way to add these via the VM?