Au2 migration - replace-part

I’m trying to migrate a relatively large app from Aurelia 1 to Aurelia2, and I’m very confused about how to migrate code that relied on replaceable/replace-part. The documentation seems to imply that that functionality has been replaced by <au-slot>, but that seems disingenuous.

The functionality that <au-slot> provides is the same functionality that the old <slot> element provided. replaceable/replace-part was, to my knowledge, the only thing in aurelia that allowed a parent component to specify a template that a reusable component could use to modify how items are rendered in its own repeat.for list.

That meant you could do stuff like this (simplified) select component:


 <div repeat.for="option of options" click.delegate="onOptionClick(option)">
    <template with.bind="option" part="optionTemplate" replaceable></template>


<my-select options.bind="options">
    <template replace-part="optionTemplate">
        ${option.code} - ${option.title}

Or a translation component with replaceable placeholders:


import { bindable, bindingMode, computedFrom } from 'aurelia-framework';

export class MyTranslationCustomElement {
    @bindable({ defaultBindingMode: bindingMode.toView})
    public value: string = '';

    public get parts() {
        return this.createParts(this.value);

    // PRIVATE
    private createParts(value: string) {
        const regex = /\{\d+\}/gi;
        const parts = value.match(regex);

        if (!parts || parts.length === 0 ) {
            return [{
                type: 'text',
                value: value

        const output: TranslationPart[] = [];
        let index: number = undefined;
        let lastIndex: number = undefined;

        parts.forEach(part => {
            index = value.indexOf(part, lastIndex);
            lastIndex = lastIndex || 0;
            if (index > lastIndex) {
                    type: 'text',
                    value: value.substring(lastIndex, index)

                type: 'replacement',
                value: part
            lastIndex = index + part.length;
        if (lastIndex < value.length) {
                type: 'text',
                value: value.substring(lastIndex, value.length)

        return output;

interface TranslationPart {
    type: 'text'|'replacement';
    value: string;


    <template repeat.for="part of parts"><template if.bind="part.type === 'text'">${part.value}</template><au-slot else name.bind="part.value">${part.value}</au-slot></template>


<my-translation template.bind="'Replace {0} and {1} with slotted content'">
    <template replace-part="placeholder">
       <b if.bind="part.value === '{0}'">THIS</b>
       <a if.bind="part.value === '{1}'" href="#">THAT</<>

How can I replicate any of this in Aurelia 2?

Hi! If I am not mistaken, your example of selection can be translated using au-slot as follows.

<div repeat.for="option of options" click.delegate="onOptionClick(option)">
    <au-slot name="optionTemplate"></au-slot>
<!-- app.html -->
<my-select options.bind="options">
    <template au-slot="optionTemplate">
        ${option.code} - ${option.title}
           if your app also has a property named `option`,  
           or you want to explicitly grab the context of `my-select`
           then you need to use `$host.option` instead.

In case, you have not yet checked the au-slot docs, it is here: The docs describe various scenarios. In case, your cases are more involved, you can also refer the tests written for au-slot that covers even more cases, than documented.

Happy migration! :v:

Thanks for the reply!

I’ve been reading the documentation on slotted content multiple times, yet I somehow completely missed the part in the binding scope section specifically dealing with grids :sweat_smile:.

I did manage to get it working now, but I have to explicitly use $host, otherwise I seem to always get an undefined property.

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