[Aurelia Store]: simplify access from classes

I’m working with the Aurelia Store and I’d like to get a quite similar flexibility as it is proposed in VueJS. The idea is to get the dispatchified actions easily accessible from any class.
I got the following code working as proof of concept. The idea is to have a central place for the actions definition and implementation. Then, when inovking the actions, we in fact invoke the dispatchified version of it.


import { dispatchify, connectTo, Store, Reducer } from 'aurelia-store';
import { State, initialState } from 'state';
import { autoinject } from 'aurelia-framework';

class Actions 
  protected state: State;
  protected newState: State;

  public addName(name: string){    
    this.newState.names = [...this.newState.names, name];
    return this.newState;

  public setState(newState: State){
    return newState;

  public resetState()
    return initialState;

// Transforms action into dispatchable action
// => adds state as first argument and add a clone of state
// to work with
function actionify(func: Function)
  return function(state: State, ...args)
    let context ={
      state: state,
      newState: Object.assign({}, state)
    return func.apply(context, args);

 * StoreAction: extend from this class to get
 * access to implemented actions from the class Actions
 * => call to the action method will in fact invoke the dispatchified version
 * of the action.
export class StoreAction extends Actions
  constructor(protected store: Store<State>)
    for(let action of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Actions.prototype))
      if(action != 'constructor')
        this.store.registerAction(action, actionify(Actions.prototype[action]));
        StoreAction.prototype[action] = dispatchify(action);


import { StoreAction } from './store';
import { autoinject } from 'aurelia-framework';

export class App extends StoreAction
  message = 'Hello World! Test';

     console.log(this.state)            // <--   We have access to the state
    this.addName("my name"); // <---   We dispatch an action here

What do you think?


Here is an enhanced version which supports undo as well.
I also created an async action to show that it perfectly flies too :slight_smile: .


  // Configure store
  aurelia.use.plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName("aurelia-store"), {
    history: {
      undoable: true,
      limit: 10


import { dispatchify, connectTo, Store, Reducer, StateHistory, nextStateHistory } from 'aurelia-store';
import { autoinject } from 'aurelia-framework';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';

export interface  State
  names: string[],
  types: string[]

export const initialState: State = {
  names: ["first", "second"],
  types: ["one"]

 * Actions on store state
 * @class Actions
class Actions 
  public addType(type: string){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.cloneState.types = [...this.cloneState.types, type];
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolve(nextStateHistory(this.state, this.cloneState));
      }, 2000);      

  public addName(name: string){    
    this.cloneState.names = [...this.cloneState.names, name];
    return nextStateHistory(this.state, this.cloneState);

  public setState(newState: State){
    return nextStateHistory(this.state, newState);

  public resetState()
    return nextStateHistory(this.state, initialState);

   * Store state
   * @protected
   * @type {StateHistory<State>}
   * @memberof Actions
  protected state: StateHistory<State>;
   * Present store state
   * @protected
   * @type {State}
   * @memberof Actions
  protected currentState: State;
   * Cloned version of present store state
   * @protected
   * @type {State}
   * @memberof Actions
  protected cloneState: State;

   * Lists all action methods
   * @static
   * @returns {string[]}
   * @memberof Actions
  public static getMethods() : string[]
    return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Actions.prototype).filter((item) => item != 'constructor');

 *  Transforms action into dispatchable action
 *  => adds state as first argument and add a clone of state
 *  to work with
 * @param {Function} func
 * @returns
function actionify(func: Function)
  return function(state: StateHistory<State>, ...args)
    let context ={
      currentState: state.present,
      cloneState: Object.assign({}, state.present)
    return func.apply(context, args);

 * StoreAction: extend from this class to get
 * access to implemented actions from the class Actions
 * => call to the action method will in fact invoke the dispatchified version
 * of the action.
 * @export
 * @class StoreAction
 * @extends {Actions}
export class StoreAction extends Actions
  private subscription: Subscription;

  constructor(public store: Store<StateHistory<State>>)
    for(let action of Actions.getMethods())
      this.store.registerAction(action, actionify(Actions.prototype[action]));
      StoreAction.prototype[action] = dispatchify(action);

    this.subscription = this.store.state.subscribe(
      (state: StateHistory<State>) => this.state = state

  unbind() {


Then as an example of usage:


import { StoreAction } from '@sb/store';
import { autoinject } from 'aurelia-framework';
import { jump } from 'aurelia-store';

export class App extends StoreAction
  message = 'Hello World! Test';

    this.addType("my name");

  onBack() {
    // Go back one step in time
    this.store.dispatch(jump, -1);



<div class="container-fluid">
  <button class="btn btn-primary" click.delegate="onClick()">ADD ITEM</button>
  <button class="btn btn-secondary" click.delegate="onBack()">BACK</button>

    <li repeat.for="name of state.present.names">${name}</li>


    <li repeat.for="type of state.present.types">${type}</li>


Note that this is just a shallow copy though. You can use libs like immer.js or simply any npm package like deepclone etc. to pass deeply cloned objects.

Besides that a very nice idea and something similar that just didnt make it straight into the plugins core. But pretty great how you described it and Im sure its a helpful approach for class-based focus.