Building a realtime cryptocurrency price tracker

Create the app

We will use TypeScript & Webpack for this tutorial and enable Shadow DOM to keep our styles encapsulated. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with these concepts yet; you will learn as we go.

Webpack is not installed as part of this npx script
npx makes aurelia crypto-prices -s dev,typescript,shadow-dom,mocha

The docs also reference the package GitHub - Vheissu/aurelia-crypto-prices: The accompanying code for the Aurelia 2 cryptocurrency tutorial.
Since that code has webpack, there is a line in package.json “start”: “webpack serve”. In the npx generated code, it is “start”: “vite”

When you get to Seeing what we have so far and do npm run start, browser page is blank. There is code there, but, I don’t think the SRC folder data is compiling. I did verify the coingecko api is functioning.


Sorry for the delay @regolas but this has been fixed. It’s due to the fact some changes were made to the defaults of the makes CLI and Aurelia itself in regards to decorators and whatnot. The example code has been updated too.

Thanks for taking care of this. Much appreciated


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