Create the app
We will use TypeScript & Webpack for this tutorial and enable Shadow DOM to keep our styles encapsulated. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with these concepts yet; you will learn as we go.
Webpack is not installed as part of this npx script
npx makes aurelia crypto-prices -s dev,typescript,shadow-dom,mocha
The docs also reference the package GitHub - Vheissu/aurelia-crypto-prices: The accompanying code for the Aurelia 2 cryptocurrency tutorial.
Since that code has webpack, there is a line in package.json “start”: “webpack serve”. In the npx generated code, it is “start”: “vite”
When you get to Seeing what we have so far and do npm run start, browser page is blank. There is code there, but, I don’t think the SRC folder data is compiling. I did verify the coingecko api is functioning.