Check "isBound" for bindable in component

I have a Au2 component with a bindable property like:

export class MyComponent {
    prop: string;

Is there any way to find out if the property has been bound or not?

<my-component prop="abc"></my-component> // is bound
<my-component prop.bind="undefined"></my-component> // is bound
<my-component></my-component> // is *not* bound

Thanks for any help!


It would work like this, but I don’t know weather this is a “public” api:

binding(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController)
     const myPropIsBound = parent.bindings.some(b => b['targetProperty'] === 'prop' && b.isBound);

IHydratedController is available in ‘@aurelia/runtime-html’ namespace, but targetProperty is missing in typescript type (IBinding).

What about something like this?

binding() {
 const isBound = this.prop ?? false

propChanged() {
  // do something when prop is not null?

if prop is not defined in the binding hook, then you can assume that it has not been bound?

Unfortunately this is not sufficient, as I need to know, weather the prop is bound (even with a null value), not weather a value is bound.

<my-component prop="abc"></my-component> // is bound
<my-component prop.bind="undefined"></my-component> // is bound
<my-component></my-component> // is *not* bound`

The information you are looking for can be found in the instruction of a custom element. Example here Aurelia app - conventions - Vite (forked) - StackBlitz

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Thanks a lot @bigopon!