The documentation is a little slim on the expected format for href
, especially when using route path parameters. The only example I see in the docs is href: '#blah'
, which isn’t helpful at all.
I have a similar issue to the issue defined here.
Ultimately, I need direct linking to routes in some cases, and there are multiple segments of the route that are parameters. Think of permalinks.
Like such: http://localhost:4000/u/someuser/p/post-title
This should correspond to routes defined as: u/:username/p/:slug
Here is how I actually define the routes:
File app.ts
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
config.options.pushState = true;
config.options.root = '/';[
{ route: ['u/:username'], name: 'user', moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('./user/index'), nav: false, title: 'User Profile'},
File: user/index.ts
configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
this.router = router;[
{ route: [''], name: 'profile', moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('./profile.component'), nav: false, title: 'Profile'},
{ route: ['p/:slug'], name: 'post', moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('./post.component'), nav: true, title: 'Post'}
This, of course, yields the following error:
ERROR [app-router] Error: Invalid route config for "p/:slug" : dynamic routes must specify an "href:" to be included in the navigation model.
Setting nav: false
(which makes sense, since they aren’t nav menu routes) on both routes still fails to load the route:
ERROR [app-router] Error: Route not found:
error @ aurelia-logging-console.js?dc89:45
eval @ aurelia-logging.js?30fd:38
processResult @ aurelia-router.js?e32b:2205
eval @ aurelia-router.js?e32b:2165
Promise.then (async)
eval @ aurelia-router.js?e32b:2165
Promise.then (async)
AppRouter._dequeueInstruction @ aurelia-router.js?e32b:2114
eval @ aurelia-router.js?e32b:2107
AppRouter._queueInstruction @ aurelia-router.js?e32b:2104
eval @ aurelia-router.js?e32b:2021
Promise.then (async)
AppRouter.loadUrl @ aurelia-router.js?e32b:2021
BrowserHistory._loadUrl @ aurelia-history-browser.js?d627:262
BrowserHistory.navigate @ aurelia-history-browser.js?d627:201
DefaultLinkHandler._this.handler @ aurelia-history-browser.js?d627:48
Two questions
First, how would an
be defined for routes with parameters in order to get past this error? -
Second, why didn’t this error occur for the parent route