Count of Aurelia git repos versus Angular, React.js

Well, I work for Voya Financial. We have about 4 sites built with Aurelia right now. I’m hesitant to go into too much detail without getting the proper blessings, but I can say that technically one of our primary focuses is on maximizing code reuse across apps and Aurelia has been great for this. We have some large components/mini-apps that we package as custom elements and they have their own Aurelia instances. Down the road we see ourselves gradually moving away from using an MV* framework and just sticking with ESNext features and some smaller, more targeted libraries, but as of today we still need the structure of a framework and Aurelia is doing a good job for us without it feeling like we’re married to it.


Thank you @jpray
// everybody says thank you
Really good points.
Especially the one about not being married to the framework

Anybody else want’s to share?



I SO wish I could add us to the “X uses aurelia” list but alas, I can’t. They are very touchy about that but I’ll keep asking nonetheless. What I can say is that I work for a very large global enterprise company and in our group, we use Aurelia across our suite of applications and one-offs. We currently have 8+ apps running aurelia right now.

When we were looking to move from Sencha ExtJS (oh my, don’t even get me started with that one) it was right around the time of the big google angular architecture kerfuffle around ver 2, right around the time Rob E had just left the angular 2 team. I saw demo of aurelia (very alpha) and was blown away! Unfortunately it was just in alpha so we can’t use it yet so I went with backbone+marionette which was really great to use. About a year later we were in a time were we had some extra time on hand and I wanted to move over to aurelia, which was when angular 2 was finally decided on the architecture but still wasn’t impressed. So we went with it. We built our internal dashboard SPA app. From there we released another 6+ apps with aurelia. I’ve created 15+ common components used across all the apps in addition to value converters and binding behaviors. We even have our own skeleton app with webpack ready to fire up for any new projects. I’ve even created our own CLI for aurelia generation tool for building out the files right for our project.

It has been SUCH A PLEASURE to work with aurelia. Most of our developers are more experienced in middle to backend tier so jumping into a very unobtrusive framework has been a great for us. I really do wish more people quit jumping on a frontend framework just because it’s the popular buzzword. They need to do their research first. We’ve been using aurelia now for over 2 years and haven’t looked back.


Thank you so much for sharing @rkever
// crowd is cheering
It feels so much better to know that we are not alone

Anyone else wants to share?


I think is easier to find a dead library in React apps than in Aurelia apps. Take for instance the fact that a while ago people started adopting CSS in JS. Since then several solutions affected the React community (Glamorous, Styled Components, Emotion and more). Which one would you pick for your team? Will they like it? Will they migrate each time for the new hype? As your project scale, are you going to adopt Redux or MobX, Thunk or Saga, Relay or Apollo?
Aurelia is designed to work with conventions while React goes quite against them.
Anyway, React is a popular choice if your project fits better in a Virtual DOM and I think is good to have both under your belt.

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I work for the University of Southampton, UK, in an enterprise unit that specialises in providing services to manage clinical trials. We’ve been working hard on the next version of our software, Edge, and the front end is written entirely using Aurelia. We support thousands of users in the UK (mostly NHS) referencing millions of records. We also support other international organisations. I couldn’t be happier with the learning curve, performance, and ‘naturalness’ of the framework.

We evaluated Angular, Ember and Aurelia back at the end of 2016 and for me Aurelia came out way on top just in terms of how easy it was to use. I guess some frameworks just ‘click’ with different people - everything seemed to make sense. You never seem to be fighting against it - it really does feel like it’s out of the way and you’re just writing the code you need for your application.

Personally, I found the guide documentation at very good. We also bought Manual Guilbault’s ‘Learning Aurelia’ book and to be honest, we haven’t really needed anything else.

I would urge anybody (and everybody!) to give Aurelia a go. Don’t just blindly follow the ‘popular’ choices - you’re missing out on something great! Commit a few weeks to Aurelia for your next project and see how you get on. You won’t regret it.


I just remember seeing Aurelia in the early days and thinking that if I’m going to be making apps for the rest of my life, then that’s the way I want to do it. :joy:

I quit my job to pursue creating applications with Aurelia and Electron. My employer originally balked at the idea of creating desktop applications like that but now they’re my main customer. When you use Aurelia you don’t end up with an Aurelia app like you do with other frameworks, you end up with almost 100% plain JavaScript/Typescript and Aurelia hooks that up with the HTML via a simple, extensible binding syntax. The only times I ever reference Aurelia are for some decorators and thats usually only for dependency injection.

How about just telling your boss you’re writing everything in vanilla JavaScript/TypeScript? That’s mostly true! :wink:


@dnkm & @timfish
Thank you both for sharing.

I wish more decision makers could see it that way.


I work at Effectory; we’ve rebuilt our questionnaire system using Aurelia (a demo of it can be seen here:, and we are currently rebuilding our complete customer online experience using Aurelia. We switched from AngularJS to Aurelia and working with Aurelia is amazing :slight_smile:


I’m at Vevida (we provide shared webhosting). A couple of years ago we migrated our domain registration and checkout system to AngularJS. We were happy with the hard frontend / backend split (we’d been using JavaServer Faces before that) but the Angular code turned out to be a mess. I looked into alternatives (React, Angular 2, Ember, Aurelia) and found Aurelia a clear winner. The main argument there was maintainability: we wanted a code-base that we could easily support for years to come. Aurelia being very close to ESNext standards was a clear advantage. We’ve been slowly migrating our JSF-based customer portal to a JAX-RS backend and Aurelia frontend and now we’re rewriting the Angular checkout app as Aurelia. I created a datagrid implementation that better suited our needs, and my boss authorized me to open-source it. I need to update it and make it into a proper plugin, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.


Everybody pointed really great things. And I agree a lot with them. Most of the code written will be JS/Typescript. So finding developers that can work with the framework won’t be hard, all you need to ask is for someone that knows javascript and/or typescript, and give them 1 or 2 days to get along with the framework. This simplicity is something that I particularly love.

However, choosing not to use the big trend frameworks, also comes with downsides. The community is much smaller; the framework is not backed with unlimited source of money; sometimes you few the lack of documentation; you won’t find many blog posts, videos, tutorials about Aurelia. The industry in general asks for Angular/React frameworks.

In conclusion, Aurelia is a great framework, it is easy to use, it will make you become a better JS/TS developer, and you won’t have problems finding new developers. If your company allows you to pick the framework you want, go for it. However, you should still keep personal side projects in at least one of the big frameworks, in case one day you have to do something where you do not have the same freedom to chose what to use.


A company using aurelia for back end systems, I just found:

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@dannyweldon The article is a bit out-of-date with respect to current Aurelia advancement, but a good read none-the-less. Thanks for posting.

I’m with a start-up company where we built our first products using Aurelia in the front end. In short, we are extremely happy with it. I did a few proofs-of-concept using other frameworks before settling on Aurelia and have not looked back. We will definitely stick with Aurelia for the next versions of our products and also for any other upcoming products. Here’s the web page for our suite of clinical decision support tools: