hello guys i’m new to aurelia so pls help,
im trying to bind a custum element mutiple time on a same custum element.
<**msgfromat type.bind="type[1]" msg.two-way="msg[1]"></msgfromat>**
<p>Lorem ipsum Do commodo in proident enim in dolor cupidatat adipisicing dolore officia nisi aliqua
incididunt Ut veniam lorem ipsum Consectetur ut in in eu do</p>
<div class="row section-intro">
<div class="col-twelve">
<**msgfromat type.bind="type[2]" msg.two-way="msg[2]"></msgfromat>**
<p class="lead">Lorem ipsum Do commodo in proident enim in dolor cupidatat adipisicing dolore officia nisi aliqua
incididunt Ut veniam lorem ipsum Consectetur ut in in eu do.</p>
</div> <!-- /section-intro-->
</section> <!-- /features -->
<div **id="xxxxxxx"** class="popup-modal slider mfp-hide">
<div class="formadds">
<form role="form" action="" id="formedit" submit.delegate="submit($event)">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">presentation text</label>
<textarea name="textmsg" class="form-control" id="txtarea1" rows="10" value.bind="textareaval & validate"></textarea>
<div class="link-box addforms"><button type="submit" form="formedit" class="validebtn">valider</button></div>
</div> <!-- /form-present -->
voilà, i would like u guys to help me on multiple time’s the same CustElement with differente bindale
on home.html/js
and to bind the id on from.html/js like :
id:${‘from-’ + type1}
–i already tried it no result
help me pls