Dependency injection via. Webpack

Does anyone know or can provide info how to inject services into aurelia-di via. Webpack?

Production: Use DataBackendService
Dev: Use DataBackendServiceStub

It’s currently implemented in the main.ts like

if (Config.Stub) {
        aurelia.container.registerSingleton(DataBackendService, DataBackendServiceStub)

But I want to get rid of all dependencies in the production release.

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Add 2 files

// data-backend.ts
export class DataBackendService { };


// data-backend-stub.ts
export class DataBackendService { };

Consume wherever necessary

import { DataBackendService } from './data-backend';

export class Consumer {
  constructor(dataBackendService: DataBackendService) { }

In your webpack.config.js

plugins: [
  new NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/data-backend/gi, `data-backend${argv.mode==='development' ? '-stub' : ''}`)