We’ve read about aurelia-http-client-mock in the release notes for Early November 2017, but it seems the google-fu left us and we were unable to find the documentation for it. It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.
Yeah sorry at the moment I did that I ran our of time.
I’ll write a blog post about this soon and enhance the documentation
Here is a complete example using the HttpClientMock and StageComponent.
import {HttpClientMock} from 'aurelia-http-client-mock';
import {reportUnfulfilled, reportUnexpected} from 'test/unit/report';
import {StageComponent} from 'aurelia-testing';
import {bootstrap} from 'aurelia-bootstrapper';
export function reportUnfulfilled(expect, httpMock) {
let expectedUrls = httpMock.getExpected().map(stringifyXhr);
expect(httpMock.isDone()).toBeTruthy(`Never called urls: \n${expectedUrls.join('\n')}`);
export function reportUnexpected(expect, httpMock) {
let unexpectedUrls = httpMock.getUnexpected().map(stringifyXhr);
expect(httpMock.hadUnexpected()).toBeFalsy(`Unexpected calls: \n${unexpectedUrls.join('\n')}`);
function stringifyXhr(xhr) {
return `${xhr.method}: ${xhr.url}
Sent ${stringifyHeaders(xhr.requestHeaders)}
${xhr.requestText || xhr.requestBody}
Received ${stringifyHeaders(xhr.responseHeaders)}
${xhr.responseText || xhr.responseBody}`;
function stringifyHeaders(headers) {
let keys = Object.keys(headers);
let headerRepresentations = keys.map(key => `${key}: ${headers[key]}`);
return keys.length ? `Headers ${headerRepresentations.join(' | ')}` : '';
describe('Overview', () => {
let http;
let component;
let bindingContext;
beforeEach(() => {
bindingContext = {id: 1};
http = new HttpClientMock();
component = StageComponent
.inView('<entity id.bind="id">')
afterEach(() => {
reportUnfulfilled(expect, http);
reportUnexpected(expect, http);
it('should load purchase orders', done => {
.withRequestBody({id: bindingContext.id})
.withResponseHeader('Additional-header', 'one')
.withResponseBody({crazy: 'entity'});
.then(() => component.waitForElement('.entity-id'))
.then(() => expect(component.element.querySelector('entity-id').textContent).toEqual('1'))
.catch(e => {
afterEach(() => {