Dynamically loading/unloading CSS based on route

I’d like to use a CSS framework (Semantic-UI) for one of my routes/components, but if I leave it permanently it messes with the layout of other routes/pages I’ve already built without it.

Is there an “elegant” way to load in or “activate” a CSS file on route change and then remove it again upon another route change?



If you want to avoid leaking styles from within that component to the outside, afaik you basically have two options:

<require from="./styles.css" as="scoped"></require>

  1. Include styles inline with the component template and use shadow dom to encapsulate the component with @useShadowDOM():


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Thanks, I’ll give that a shot.

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If anyone else finds this, I got it to work by including both the as="scoped" attribute on my css require and adding the @useShadowDOM decorator on my view model (so at least for me it wasn’t quite the either/or mentioned above). Works in both Firefox and Chrome.

Doing so allows me to import a CSS file (hand-written or from a library like Bootstrap, Materialize, or Fomantic) for just that component and not have it stick around to pollute further components when I route to them afterwards.


Did you inline the styles when trying to use @useShadowDOM only?

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I couldn’t because the CSS I wanted to have scoped were library files (Materialize and Fomantic). And my hand-written CSS is in Stylus, so I wouldn’t be able to inline it anyway (so far as I’m aware, using Webpack). But thanks for getting me 95% of the way there!


You’re welcome. Thank you for letting me know, that I was able to help. :smiley: