I’m trying to create a service which subscribes to an event and fires whenever the event occurs. I’m able to get the whole thing working if I create an empty view template for the service and put the subscription in the attached() function.
However if there is no view template, there’s no attached function called and I need to register the subscription somewhere. I tried creating the following class:
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
export class Service {
constructor(EventAggregator) {
this.ea = EventAggregator;
registerSubscription = () =>
let subscription = this.ea.subscribe('someEvent', () => {
console.log('Service triggered');
And registering the subscription in the constructor of the app:
import {Service} from './modules/test/services/service'
export class App {
constructor() {
this.service = new Service;
Message: Cannot read property ‘subscribe’ of undefined
Inner Error Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘subscribe’ of undefined
at Service.registerSubscription (webpack-internal:///+xuG:16:33)
at new App (webpack-internal:///app:7:16)
at Object.invoke (webpack-internal:///3U8n:464:12)
If I can’t register it here, do you have any suggestions of where I could register it? I also tried registering it in a method of the same class which I call in the classes constructor and I get the same error.