I think the interceptor fetch client documentation for au2 at docs.aurelia.io is incomplete or something is wrong here.
http-client-interceptor.ts in root folder:
export class HttpClientInterceptor implements ICustomElementViewModel {
constructor(@newInstanceOf(IHttpClient) readonly http: IHttpClient) {
http.configure(config =>
credentials: 'same-origin',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-Requested-With': 'Fetch'
request(request) {
const authenticationBearerToken = 'TTTTTT';
if (authenticationBearerToken) {
request.headers.append('Authorization', `Bearer ${authenticationBearerToken}`);
console.log(`Requesting ${request.method} ${request.url} ::: ${request.headers}`);
return request;
API Service (api-service.ts in root) ::
import { IHttpClient } from '@aurelia/fetch-client';
import { inject, newInstanceOf } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { HttpClientInterceptor } from './http-client-interceptor';
export class ApiService {
constructor(@newInstanceOf(IHttpClient) readonly http: IHttpClient) {
async getNothin(){
const request = await this.http.fetch(`/products`);
console.log(`nothing :: ${request.headers.get('Authorization')}`); // undefined
const responsestatus = await request.status;
console.log(`nothing2 :: ${responsestatus}`);
return null;
Component ( components/articles-component.ts):
import { ApiService } from '../api-service';
import { bindable, HttpClient, inject, Params, useShadowDOM } from 'aurelia';
import { IRouter, IRouteViewModel } from 'aurelia';
import { ApiService } from '../api-service';
export class ArticlesComponent implements IRouteViewModel {
@bindable path;
private apiService: ApiService;
public static readonly inject = [ApiService];
constructor(apiService: ApiService){
this.apiService = apiService;
async load(params: Params) {
//let api_product = await api.getProduct(77);
let api_product = await this.apiService.getNothin();
//console.log(`API Service :: ${api_product} `);
getNothin() returns 200 but it’s still using the brand new HttpClient, without the interceptor.’
Also a curious warning (this goes away if you remove apiService):
index.dev.mjs?4599:1761 'articles-component' did not match any configured route or registered component name - did you forget to add the component 'articles-component' to the dependencies or to register it as a global dependency?
I’m thinking the documentation isn’t very clear on how to inject it into a component.
Should i be registering it in a container or something? I thought @newInstanceOf would be good enough. I even tried new HttpClient()