In my application I am loading a form component where I want to have a file field as well. I have created custom components for each input type.
So I have form-filedrop.html
<div class="form-filedrop">
<input type="file" files.bind="selectedFiles">
And form-filedrop.ts
import { autoinject, bindable } from "aurelia-framework";
export class FormFiledrop {
@bindable label = "Files";
selectedFiles: FileList;
And then in my form view (simplified):
<require from="resources/components/form/form-filedrop"></require>
<form-filedrop label="File"></form-filedrop>
But somehow this makes the whole form appear blank in my site… (no error in console)
However - I the following works:
<div class="form-filedrop">
<input type="file" files="on-loaded.bind: filecallback">
import { autoinject, bindable } from "aurelia-framework";
export class FormFiledrop extends FormElement {
@bindable label = "Files";
filecallback = (file, data) => {
So I can bind to a function, but not to a FileList property.
Anyone have any tips to push me in the right direction to get this sorted?