HttpClient Fetch Retry

So my app is using the aurelia-fetch-client, and I have an issue popping up on my live app that I am trying to resolve, and think it can be done by adjusting / using the retry configuration.

I cannot find any examples that uses the new .withRetry way of doing that.

What I am trying to do is to setup to retry 3 times, with a 5 second wait for response.
My application is hosted on the free Azure servers, and I need to be able to wait for the service to spin up if its been a while since it was last accessed and its gotten unloaded. That can be 5 to 10 seconds or so.

I have tried this in the code below, but it ignores the retry settings, and I suspect its because I am not passing a retry function. Is that the case?

I am not sure how I would do that with how I have things setup now. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.

Here is what I have for configuration:

        this.http.configure(config =>
            let retryConfig = { maxRetries: 3, interval: 5000, strategy: 0};
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('access_token')

and I have a utility function that wraps my api calls:

 requestJSON(url: string, opts: any = null)
        return this.http.fetch(url, opts)
            .then(response =>
                let clone = response.clone();
                this.clones.set(url, clone);

                return Promise.all([response, response.json()]);
            .then(([response, json]) =>
                if (!response.ok)
                    throw new Error(json.message);


                return json;
            .catch(async exception =>
                let tmp = await this.clones.get(url);
                let txt = tmp ? tmp.text() : undefined;
                let msg = new Map([
                    [TypeError, "There was a problem fetching the response."],
                    [SyntaxError, "There was a problem parsing the response."],
                    [Error, exception.message]]).get(exception.constructor);

                logger.error(`${msg} [${url}] [${txt}]`);


                toastr.error("Unable to retrieve data. Please check that your login has not timed out. Returning to Home page.", "Error", { timeOut: 5000 });
                //return undefined;

So being the hack I am, I was still not able to figure out how to use the aurelia-fetch-client HttpClient to do retries. Someone will probably show me the one liner to do that as is the case with most things I can’t wrap my head around in Aurelia.

Right now I am just using fetch directly, and its working. I got main code here:

Here is my slightly modified code:

    fetchRetry(url: string, fetchOptions: object = {}, delay: number, limit: number) : any
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
            function success(response)

            function failure(error)
                if (limit)
                    setTimeout(fetchUrl, delay)
                    // this time it failed for real

            function finalHandler(finalError)
                throw finalError;

            function fetchUrl()
                //console.log(url, fetchOptions);
                return fetch(url, fetchOptions)


Here is how I use it:

        let opts = {
            headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('access_token') }

        return this.fetchRetry(url, opts, 5000, 3)
            .then(response =>
            .catch(async exception =>
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I’m trying to use it too, but didn’t found any sample anywhere and the document is close to non-existent on this.

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I haven’t had a reason to use this yet so I can’t confirm it works but you could reference the unit tests for sample implementation:


Awesome. Thx Bunny.