I’ve some troubles with IE 11 (unfortunately we still have to support it cause our customers still use IE 11). I’ve an empty input element with a placeholder and a input.delegate event. When you focus this element in IE 11, the input.delegate event immeditely fires, this is cause of the following IE bug.
<input placeholder="my placeholder" value.bind="text" input.delegate="onInput()" />
export class MyComponent {
text = '';
onInput() {
alert('this event fires in ie 11 when you focus the input element, this should not happen')
Is there a way to handle that in Aurelia? Other frameworks like Vue fixed it in their code base for IE:
issue: https://github.com/vuejs/vue/issues/7138
fix: https://github.com/vuejs/vue/commit/0f7c443dca800204bc2e00876365869ee79e2d7b
Similar discussion on stackoverflow.