Multiple Routes Same Module

Using Aurelia 1, I have a module that is used for maintaining lists. I setup multiple routes, passing in settings with the list ID. However, if the module is currently loaded, it does not get reactivated so it does not receive the setting for the different list ID.

            { route: 'regions', name: 'regions', moduleId: 'list-maintenance-page', title: 'Regions', settings: { listId: 'REGION', listName: 'Regions' } },
            { route: 'positions', name: 'positions', moduleId: 'list-maintenance-page', title: 'Positions', settings: { listId: 'POSITION', listName: 'Positions' } }

Other than using EventAggregator or some other messaging means, is there a way to force the module to reactivate?

Try activationStrategy / determineActivationStrategy.

Worked perfectly! Somehow I overlooked that in the doc, or it didn’t sink in that it was what I needed. A very simple solution.