Need to pack everything in one file

Hi, guys.

I need to consolidate an app to deploy it in only one js file.

The app has the following configuration:

language: typescript
bundler: webpack
package manager: npm
au-cli version: v1.2.3

I am using aurelia-api, aurelia-dialog, aurelia-i18n and aurelia-validation.

I’ve been trying to tweak settings on webpack.config.js in the output and optimization keys, but without luck.

I still got all those bundle files. Want to be able to produce a single bundle.js.

If some more info is needed, please let me know.

Best regards.

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If I am not mistaken, then you need disable the chunking. The relevant options are available under optimization.splitChunks.cacheGroup. If that does not work, maybe post your configuration.

On a related note, it is always a good idea to measure the difference in build time (especially if you are using the dev-server and watching for change), and the loading time in browser, before and after the said change.

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Hi, Sayan.

I tried some variants with the splitChunks key without luck.
My current attempt goes like this:

output: {
    path: outDir,
    publicPath: baseUrl,
    filename: production ? '[name].bundle.js' : '[name].bundle.js',
    sourceMapFilename: production ? '[name]' : '[name]'
  optimization: {
    namedModules: true,
    runtimeChunk: false,
    moduleIds: false,
    splitChunks: false
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output: {
    path: outDir,
    publicPath: baseUrl,
    filename: '[name].bundle.js', 
    sourceMapFilename: '[name]' 
optimization: {
    splitChunks: {
        chunks: "all"

for me this configuration produces two files: app.bundle.js and vendors~app.bundle.js

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That would be ok for me, but it produces 9 files. I cannot make vendors packages fit on the same bundle.

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Have you resolved this?

Hi! I was able to reduce the files to an acceptable two bundles(app and vendors) with this configuration:
splitChunks: {
hidePathInfo: true, // prevents the path from being used in the filename when using maxSize
chunks: “all”,
// sizes are compared against source before minification
maxSize: 20000000, // splits chunks if bigger than 200k, adjust as required (maxSize added in webpack v4.15)
cacheGroups: {
default: false, // Disable the built-in groups default & vendors (vendors is redefined below)
// This is the HTTP/1.1 optimised cacheGroup configuration
vendors: { // picks up everything from node_modules as long as the sum of node modules is larger than minSize
test: /[\/]node_modules[\/]/,
name: ‘vendors’,
priority: 19,
enforce: true, // causes maxInitialRequests to be ignored, minSize still respected if specified in cacheGroup
minSize: 30000 // use the default minSize
vendorsAsync: { // vendors async chunk, remaining asynchronously used node modules as single chunk file
test: /[\/]node_modules[\/]/,
name: ‘vendors.async’,
chunks: ‘async’,
priority: 9,
reuseExistingChunk: true,
minSize: 10000 // use smaller minSize to avoid too much potential bundle bloat due to module duplication.
commonsAsync: { // commons async chunk, remaining asynchronously used modules as single chunk file
name: ‘commons.async’,
minChunks: 2, // Minimum number of chunks that must share a module before splitting
chunks: ‘async’,
priority: 0,
reuseExistingChunk: true,
minSize: 10000 // use smaller minSize to avoid too much potential bundle bloat due to module duplication.
What I received after bundling is:

Which is good enough for me.



Maybe if you increase max size more, it will all be merged into 1?

Completly removing optimization section from webpack config results in the single file output.

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