I am having a problem where sometimes one of my dialogs doesn’t visibly open but it is inserted into the DOM – which causes an invisible item at z-index 1000 which traps all clicks
This has been a really weird one. The problem shows up so infrequently I don’t know what actually triggers it – I’ve not been able to consistently reproduce it. The production system talks with 3 other external systems and 2 local bits of hardware, all of it running geographically distant with no direct connection available for me to really work with the production units.
But I might have solved this. I had interleaved Promise(res,rej), promises w/.then() & .catch(), and try-catch blocks – and there were times when an expected parameter (supposed to be a promise) was coming in as undefined.
When I replaced the Promise(res,rej) code with returning Promise.resolved() and put an outer try-catch on it all - the problem seems to have gone away in dev and staging
I’m scheduling time w/production for a few dozen field-units – I have high hopes…
yeah, it’s very odd – I am using the position field in the .open(config) config object to add a class to the modal dialog which is then defined in my .scss file for that dialog
when the dialog shows up it’s got the right size and the location is right - but there is no content
that made me think a promise was rejecting and there was nothing seeing that – but I have the uncaught-exception and unhandled-rejection modules loaded, and they see nothing.
In my thrashing about I was able to get an error to show up in the console, and at the same time the dialog was visible but empty – suggesting that the data that was to be interpolated into it was missing – so it had to be something in my code (it usually is
To be clear: doing this does show an error in my logs that does not show up there when the real problem hits – but the result of this reproduces the issue 100% of the time.
An invisible dialog is then covering the app and I’m locked out.