Hi, I’m currently working on a project where I am using aurelia-validation to check if fields are correct.
- This is the HTML that has first the aurelia-validation controller that shows any errors
- There are two dropdown selects that i need to validate
- there is a submit button
<ul class="item-select-form" if.bind="_controller.errors">
<li repeat.for="error of _controller.errors">
<form class="d-flex justify-content-around" change.delegate="_controller.revalidateErrors()">
<div class=" form-group item-select-form">
<label for="selectColorButton" class="">
<select class="form-control" id="selectColorButton" value.bind="color"
<option model.bind="null"><b>Select Color</b></option>
<option repeat.for="itemInForm of _itemOptions | filterItemOptionsColor :size :color"
model.bind="itemInForm"> ${itemInForm}</option>
<div class="form-group item-select-form" if.bind="color !== null">
<label for="selectSizeButton">
<select class="form-control" id="selectSizeButton" value.bind="size">
<option model.bind="null"><b>Select Size</b></option>
<option repeat.for="itemInForm of _itemOptions | filterItemOptionsSize :size :color"
model.bind="itemInForm"> ${itemInForm}</option>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary item-select-submit" id="addToCart">Add Item To Cart</button>
Here is the TS class model with the constructor and injected validationcontroller and the rules.
What am I doing wrong?
private _controller: ValidationController;
private _itemOptions: IItemOptionFromItem[] = [];
private size: string | null = null;
private color: string | null = null;
private itemoptionservice: ItemOptionService,
private router: Router,
controllerFactory: ValidationControllerFactory,
private validator: Validator
) {
//Here are the validation rules for the form
this._controller = controllerFactory.createForCurrentScope(validator);
this._controller.validateTrigger = validateTrigger.changeOrBlur;
() =>
(item) => item.color === this.color
).length !== 0 && this.color !== null
.withMessage("Please choose product color")
() =>
this._itemOptions.filter((item) => item.size === this.size)
.length !== 0 && this.size !== null
.withMessage("Please choose product size")
EDIT: I added && this.color !== null and && this.size !== null to the satisfies. Because i need to check that the property i have chosen is in the itemoptions list and secondly that the property itself is not null (unset by default)