I’m working on a solution for drop-in script for some of our projects that are just a single view and want to take advantage of aurelia’s view engine (without transpilers like babel). I have all working fine but I don’t know how to handle the decorators. Anyone have any examples of using decorators, like @bindable
in a function so I can use this in vanilla JS without transpilers?
example code I’m using…
const { observable, bindable } = au; // loaded via aurelia-script (umd)
export class Component {
message = 'my component';
bindableProp = 'foo'; // using in attr <component test="my val"></component>
observableProp = 'bar'; // observe using naming convention below
observablePropChanged(newVar, oldVar) {
console.log('newVar: ', newVar, 'oldVar: ', oldVar);