Hi Folks, I am using vitest and @aurelia/testing and am stuck.
I have a value bound to an input element. I would like to change this value and see if the change is propagated to the bound value.
describe('add-activity-component', () => {
it('should render message', async () => {
const mockData = {name: null}
const { appHost } = await createFixture(
'<test-component data.bind="mockData"></test-component>',
{ mockData },
[ TestComponent ],
const inputElement = appHost.querySelector('#input') as HTMLInputElement
inputElement.value = 'Test'
// Need something here that waits until the binding has been updated
How do I do this?
Hi @ivan! I think you need to dispatch the change event and then wait for the DOM queue to yield. It roughly looks like below,
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
await platform.domQueue.yield();
Thanks for the answer @Sayan751. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be working though.
describe('add-activity-component', () => {
it('should render message', async () => {
const mock = { name: null }
const { appHost, platform } = await createFixture(
'<test-component data.bind="data"></test-component>',
data: mock
const input = appHost.querySelector('#input') as HTMLInputElement
input.value = 'Test'
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
await platform.domQueue.yield()
Maybe I am just misunderstanding how this is suppose to work 
I am assuming that you might also need {bubbles: true}
while creating the event. If that don’t help as well, please consider sharing a reproduction.