is it possible to animate the two elements of an if/else binding similarly to the view animation with swap-order ?
What I am after is something like this
<div swap-order="with" if.bind="!showConfig" class="au-animate animate-slide-in-right animate slide-out-left">
this is part 1</div>
<div else swap-order="with" class="au-animate animate-slide-in-right animate-slide-out-left">
this is part 2
part2 should slides in while part1 slides out
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Nice Q!
This could be a nice feature. I think it’s doable and not complex, but probably take time to figure out. I think what could be done is to have Else
(https://github.com/aurelia/templating-resources/blob/master/src/else.js) override _show
and _hide
method from IfCore
Thanks for pointing me to these places
in templating-resources/src/if.js
i can find already this code
_update(show) {
if (this.animating) {
let promise;
if (this.elseVm) {
promise = show ? this._swap(this.elseVm, this) : this._swap(this, this.elseVm);
} else {
promise = show ? this._show() : this._hide();
if (promise) {
this.animating = true;
promise.then(() => {
this.animating = false;
if (this.condition !== this.showing) {
_swap(remove, add) {
switch (this.swapOrder) {
case 'before':
return Promise.resolve(add._show()).then(() => remove._hide());
case 'with':
return Promise.all([ remove._hide(), add._show() ]);
default: // "after", default and unknown values
let promise = remove._hide();
return promise ? promise.then(() => add._show()) : add._show();
So it seems that this should already be working somehow - not sure how to use it, could not find the documentation. if somebody could give me an example ?
thanks a lot
this works :
<div if="condition.bind: showConfig; swap-order: with" class="animation"> part1</div>
<div else class="animation">part 2</div>

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I see, it’s all @jods4 works. Haven’t used it so i didn’t know it already work. Glad you figured that out. Wanna right some doc on that ?