Aurelia-cli (alameda) au run as proxy

I just removed webpack from my app - hooray!
Installed the alameda builder from aurelia-cli 1.0.0.beta13
Other than a couple of minor tweaks to requiring css and font-awesome it runs great - about a million time faster than webpack/aspnet core/hmr.

My only problem is that I would like au run to serve up the files from the server already running at https://5001 (dotnet run).

I copied and pasted the code I found at,
installed connect-history-api-fallback and http-proxy-middleware, and the @types

However running au run gives this error:

C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\aurelia_project\tasks\run.ts:13
var backendProxy = http_proxy_middleware_1["default"]([

TypeError: http_proxy_middleware_1.default is not a function
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\aurelia_project\tasks\run.ts:13:54)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:689:30)
    at Object.require.extensions..ts (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\project.js:239:19)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:530:3)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:637:17)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:22:18)
    at process.nextTick (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\commands\gulp.js:28:43)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61:11)

I found another way to do it with the original run.ts by using the browserSync.proxy

let serve = gulp.series(
  done => {
      online: false,
      open: CLIOptions.hasFlag('open'),
      port: project.platform.port,
      logLevel: 'silent',
      proxy: {
        target: "https://localhost:5001",
      // server: {
      //   baseDir: [project.platform.baseDir],
      //   middleware: [historyApiFallback(), function(req, res, next) {
      //     res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
      //     next();
      //   }]
      // }
    }, function (err, bs) {
      if (err) return done(err);
      let urls = bs.options.get('urls').toJS();
      log(`Application Available At: ${urls.local}`);
      log(`BrowserSync Available At: ${urls.ui}`);

and changing aurelia.json

  "platform": {
    "id": "aspnetcore",
    "displayName": "ASP.NET Core",
    "port": 9000,
    "index": "wwwroot/index.html",
    "baseDir": "./wwwroot",
    "baseUrl": "scripts",
    "output": "wwwroot/scripts"

This works fine with the minor caveat that I get a not secure warning from Chrome - I guess itā€™s not picking up the developer certificate.

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First, the run.js I shared on stackoverflow is in exnext, you probably need to adjust the import to

import * as proxy from 'http-proxy-middleware';

Great the browser-sync internal proxy works for you.

I tried browser-sync proxy before, as you know, it cannot work together with server.baseDir. I guess you have all your static resources available at https://localhost:5001. I could not use it because my backend doesnā€™t see my front-end project folder.

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@jeremyholt Could you provide a little more info on what you did for CSS?

Figured it out. Path definitions for imports were all the issues.

As well, when I tried shifting my project over by moving my project src folder over it cannot find the resources folder or anything under it for attributes, value-converters, etc. Did you have to update the index or change something there as well? (using the standard .feature('resources') in main.ts)

Example of some of the errors I am getting:
ERROR [DependencyInclusion] Error: could not find ā€œstyles.cssā€ in package css
WARN [PackageAnalyzer] The ā€œfont-awesomeā€ package has no valid main file, fall back to index.js.
INFO [Bundler] Auto tracing package: 4.7.0 font-awesome
ERROR [PackageAnalyzer] Unable to load package metadata (package.json) of resources:
INFO [PackageAnalyzer] Error: cannot resolve npm package folder for ā€œresourcesā€
ERROR [Bundler] Unable to analyze resources
INFO [Bundler] Error: Unable to find package metadata (package.json) of resources
ERROR [Bundler] Failed to add Nodejs module resources/attributes/masked-numpad.css
INFO [Bundler] Error: Unable to find package metadata (package.json) of resources
<edit: never fails I find the fix for something after I postā€¦some of the paths were just different and needed updating>

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Sorry for delay in replying, but Iā€™ve just spent the last 5 days struggling to dockerize my app and publish it to Azure. In the end I gave up!!

  <require from="@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/css/all.min.css"></require>
  <require from="bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"></require>
  <require from="izitoast/dist/css/iziToast.min.css"></require>

  <require from="./styles/rdash.css"></require>
  <require from="./styles/style.css"></require>
  <require from="./styles/print.css"></require>

  <div class="container">
    <nav-menu router.bind="router"></nav-menu>
    <div show.bind=" > 0">
      <div class="spinner">
        <i class="fas fa-spin fa-spinner fa-3x"></i>
      <div class="spinner-blocked"></div>




Plus for FontAwesome

In your aurelia.json

    "copyFiles": {
      "node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/webfonts/*": "wwwroot/@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/webfonts"

Thanks @jeremyholt!
Sorry to hear about your docker problems.

Probably not the right place here for me to ask for help - but why one earth is it so bloody complicated???

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It is ironic :smile: docker was designed to simplify deploymentā€¦

Yeah, yeah.

Killing myself trying to load a certificate into the container so that I can access my dB (ravenDB).
Googled and just arcane mumbo jumbo for Linux which I donā€™t know at all. Even had to look up what ls means!

Trying to get my user secrets from azure vault into the containerā€¦

Not understanding why the environmental variables in docker-compose were being ignored. Wasting hours before realising that the .env file is just that and not a file with a name.

I just gave up in the end ā€¦

Iā€™m fairly persistent and will work through all kinds of options before coming here asking for help.

The problem with docker is I donā€™t even know what questions I should be asking.

Maybe itā€™s just me but there seems to be a snarky tone to answers on SO when the user is evidently a Windows user and clearly doesnā€™t know Linux.

And I used to complain about Aurelia documentation :smile:

Apologies for my rantā€¦

Running aurelia-cli beta13 - alameda

au run often hangs just after a compilation error in the code.

   { Error: Line 220: Unexpected token ;
       at ErrorHandler.constructError (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:5012:22)
       at ErrorHandler.createError (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:5028:27)
       at Parser.unexpectedTokenError (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:1985:39)
       at Parser.throwUnexpectedToken (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:1995:21)
       at Parser.parseIdentifierName (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2831:19)
       at Parser.parseLeftHandSideExpressionAllowCall (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2906:38)
       at Parser.inheritCoverGrammar (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2285:37)
       at Parser.parseUpdateExpression (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:3004:26)
       at Parser.parseUnaryExpression (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:3048:26)
       at Parser.inheritCoverGrammar (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2285:37)
     index: 12081,
     lineNumber: 220,
     description: 'Unexpected token ;' },
  duration: [ 0, 326185400 ],
  time: 1550218045686 }
[08:07:30] modules\costings\costings-edit.ts was changed
Watcher: Adding path src\modules\costings\costings-edit.ts to pending build changes...
Watcher: A build is already in progress, deferring change detection...
[08:07:36] modules\costings\costings-edit.ts was changed
Watcher: Adding path src\modules\costings\costings-edit.ts to pending build changes...
Watcher: A build is already in progress, deferring change detection...
[08:07:39] modules\costings\costings-edit.ts was changed
Watcher: Adding path src\modules\costings\costings-edit.ts to pending build changes...
Watcher: A build is already in progress, deferring change detection...
[08:07:40] modules\costings\costings-edit.ts was changed
Watcher: Adding path src\modules\costings\costings-edit.ts to pending build changes...
Watcher: A build is already in progress, deferring change detection...
[08:07:43] modules\costings\costings-edit.ts was changed

The compilation error is expected. However, is there some setting in the config files that will help avoid the A build is already in progress, deferring change detection ...?

I just need to Ctrl-C and restart ā€˜au runā€™

I guess when I was using Webpack with HMR I was getting the same problem - the page would take forever to update from changes to the code - which is why I switched over to alameda.

The cli only sees code transpiled by ts.
Does ts accidentally generate intermittent invalid code in watch mode?

If you can find a way to reproduce it in a small repo, I might be able to peek the invalid js code.

Yes - ts does generate invalid code in watch mode. Gulp generates a compilation failed message - which is of course exactly what I want - I want to be warned that my code wonā€™t compile.

Most times, au run or au build --watch recovers itself, but sometimes I get the A build is already in progress, deferring change detection... message.

This used to happen with webpack as well - mostly when I was importing a new file import {xxx} from "myFiles" and I think alameda struggles with this sometimes.

Iā€™m just guessing here but I think the sequence of events for au build --watch is

  1. Build the app
  2. Watch for changes
  3. Warn on ts compilation error
  4. Build app - I think that while its building the app, and there are still compilation errors it goes into ā€œdefer modeā€.
  5. When the compilation errors are fixed, it should come out of ā€œdefer modeā€ and try to build again - but it doesnā€™t.

Maybe it needs some kind of timer to try to rebuild after it entered ā€œdefer modeā€.

I would gladly suffer an extra couple of rebuilds if I could avoid this problemā€¦

As to specific moments when this happens - Iā€™m not 100% sure itā€™s exactly this but it could be something like.

I write the method:

public async activate(){

but I havenā€™t written ā€™loadBankList() yet - so I get a compilation error.

I now write

private async loadBankList(){
... do something

and TS compiles fine . Alameda is now in ā€œdefer modeā€.

This is the stack trace just now

Finished 'writeBundles'
Application Available At: https://localhost:9000
BrowserSync Available At: http://localhost:3001
[12:45:12] modules\production\production-edit.ts was changed
Watcher: Adding path src\modules\production\production-edit.ts to pending build changes...
Watcher: Running transpile tasks on next build...
Starting 'readProjectConfiguration'...
Finished 'readProjectConfiguration'
Starting 'configureEnvironment'...
Finished 'configureEnvironment'
Starting 'buildTypeScript'...
src\modules\production\production-edit.ts(128,49): error TS1003: Identifier expected.
TypeScript: 1 syntax error
TypeScript: emit succeeded (with errors)
[12:45:16] gulp-notify: [Error running Gulp] Error: TypeScript: Compilation failed
Finished 'buildTypeScript'
Starting 'writeBundles'...
INFO [Bundler] Tracing files ...
ERROR [BundledSource] Could not convert to AMD module, skipping C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\src\modules\production\production-edit.js
ERROR [BundledSource] Error was: SyntaxError: unknown: Unexpected token (209:74)

  207 |                             bank = this.banksList.find(function (c) { return === _this.auth.payload.bankId; });
  208 |                             if (bank) {
> 209 |                                 this.bankImageUrl = bank.imageDataUrls[0].;
      |                                                                           ^
  210 |                             }
  211 |                             return [2 /*return*/];
  212 |                     }
ERROR [Bundler] Failed to do transforms
INFO [Bundler] Error: Line 209: Unexpected token ;
{ uid: 20,
  name: 'writeBundles',
  branch: false,
   { Error: Line 209: Unexpected token ;
       at ErrorHandler.constructError (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:5012:22)
       at ErrorHandler.createError (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:5028:27)
       at Parser.unexpectedTokenError (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:1985:39)
       at Parser.throwUnexpectedToken (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:1995:21)
       at Parser.parseIdentifierName (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2831:19)
       at Parser.parseLeftHandSideExpressionAllowCall (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2906:38)
       at Parser.inheritCoverGrammar (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2285:37)
       at Parser.parseUpdateExpression (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:3004:26)
       at Parser.parseUnaryExpression (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:3048:26)
       at Parser.inheritCoverGrammar (C:\Visual Studio\FactoryCashFlow\FactoryCashFlow\node_modules\aurelia-cli\node_modules\esprima\dist\esprima.js:2285:37)
     index: 11460,
     lineNumber: 209,
     description: 'Unexpected token ;' },
  duration: [ 0, 580632599 ],
  time: 1550234717154 }
[12:45:17] modules\production\production-edit.ts was changed
Watcher: Adding path src\modules\production\production-edit.ts to pending build changes...
Watcher: A build is already in progress, deferring change detection...
[12:45:20] modules\users\users-edit.ts was changed
Watcher: Adding path src\modules\users\users-edit.ts to pending build changes...
Watcher: A build is already in progress, deferring change detection...

Of course the compilation errors are quite correct.
You can see as [12:45:17; that its reading in the newly edited production-edit.ts file, but its apparently trying to finish its previous build.

Maybe it should cancel any previous builds the moment it observes that a file has been edited and then start again?

Hey - Iā€™m way way out of of comfort zone making comments to you about this :smile:

Something is not right with gulp-typescript.

When gulp-babel fails, it doesnā€™t push invalid result through, it raise an exception.
Our setup use gulp-plumber to print the exception but avoid stopping gulp pipeline, which is what we need in watch mode.

With gulp-babel, cli bundler never sees an invalid transpiled js file.

But gulp-typescript seems not only raised an exception on code error, but also pushed an invalid vinyl file to next stage of gulp pipeline. Thatā€™s just wrong.

I will do some study on gulp-typescript when I got time. I hope to fix it at gulp-typescript (which is the right place for the fix), if not, I will improve cli bundler to tolerant invalid content. (maybe I will do both)

Hi - is there any update on this?

Nope. I am bit busy on my day job :frowning:

If you can create a github issue, it is enough to just contain a link to here, it can prevent me from forgetting it. Thx!

OK - didnā€™t mean to be a nag :smile:

Issue at