Constructor not called in Aurelia 2 components tests

I have a component

export class Echart {
    private _container: HTMLDivElement;

    constructor() {

and set a breakpoint at constructor() but it will never created unless a I add a @customComponent decorator.

    name: 'echart'
export class Echart {
    private _container: HTMLDivElement;

    constructor() {

How does your test code look like? Maybe a more complete set of code should help. I would guess you didn’t even use this chart component.

This works here: Aurelia 2 Component Test - StackBlitz but not in my local environment. It the exact same code, but the bound() method never gets called until I add @customElement("echart").

After adding that, bound() gets called, but the ref element remains undefined. Is there something wrong with my Jest environment?

Edit: I need to checkout this locally and check for differences.

It was my outdated jest.config.ts.
I took the jest part of package.json from npx makes aurelia and the test now works as expected.