Lack of advanced tutorials is often cites as one of the most important reasons for Aurelia lagging behind frameworks like Angular, Vue or React. While Angular and React are suported by two of four biggest software companies, Vue seems to be able to carry its own because of the relative simplicity of that framework.
From infrequent visits to Aurelia Discuss Gitter channel and to some extend posts in the new Aurelia Discourse channel, I often see significant interest in Aurelia CLI, immediatelly followed by some kind of disappointment because of CLI’s “immature” state (see this very current discussion December 29, 2017 8:04 AM as a possible example of this situation).
Since it is not likely that some big entity like Amazon will adopt Aurelia and get a large development and documentation team to add to our core team efforts, it is pretty clear that this has to be done by Aurelia Community (I suspect that this same idea is the explanation behind Vue’s success.
I have spent all of my time (not just “free” time) to help ensuring Aurelia’s success - but so far have focused on projects executed by smaller teams, in the domain of two organizations Aurelia UI Toolkits and Aurelia Tools. In that time, I proposed several other projects and while the initial response was nice, nobody was anxious to join such efforts, always citing the lack of time. This either means that folks did not believe that I could lead such efforts, or they are really interested in Aurelia only as a tool for their own projects.
So, this time I want to try again to search for a group of people that are interested in helping to create the next outer concentric circle around the Aurelia Core - mostly by creating Aurelia Documentation and Samples from the view point of an application developer - hopefully resulting with the documentation that fits the Aurelia framework users (as different from Aurelia framework developers).
So, this being a call for action is already too big article; I will only share one of the projects I am trying to raise to its feet: cli based skeletons which demonstrate implementation of Skeleton-Navigation samples as CLI samples
. In other words this projects content are “expanded” Navigation skeletons that are manually crafted as if made by a future version of the Aurelia CLI tool that will be able to create such skeletons from start to end.
The creation of these skeletons are described in Gitbook Aurelia CLI Adventures book which was written ahead of the actual code in GitHub - reaction to my beef with world class software with less than minimalistic documentation.
If this invitation can result with 5-10 collaborators that want to help Get Aurelia Great
- I will give all of my time to help organize and manage such efforts (read “do all crap that nobody wants to do”).
I am curious to see what happens with this call for action.