Get Aurelia Great (GAG - call for action)


I have to mention that what @EisenbergEffect have said is a plain truth, since “I do not have time” is equivalent to “It’s not my priority”. I am not sure what exactly is the roadmap or aims to pursue in AUCS, but I would be happy to contribute, as far as I have time for :smile:. Having said that, since one of my problems with Aurelia at first place was the lack of UI frameworks, not the only one though check here, after talking to @EisenbergEffect on Reddit and private chat on gitter, I have decided to develop bunch of tools for the community, one of which is components on top of bootstrap, you could find a NOT-Production-Yet version of that here, and the reason I said "as far as I have time for " is that work-in-progress repository for the Aurelia and community. Yet, it would be grateful to help the community as we are investing our future self on Aurelia so that the richer the community the better future.


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