Is the idea of involving the community in writing documentation less than great?

I’m not sure whether this helps but documentation is generally best organised by a few people. As in many areas of life too many cooks spoil the broth and there is there is no shortage of on-line contributors in discussions but we live in a commercially run world and there exist many different expectations as some users are working in education, for their job, and for particular interest itself. I have used Angular so used to writing more code than necessary (eg Controllers, Methods with large numbers of parameters, and $Scope). It is always best to write less code since any code written needs to be thought about and maintained in due course. Aurelia allows far less code to be written than any other framework so technically best. Will this go the same way as Betamax in the VHS/Betamax years ago? It entirely depends if a critical mass of people can find out from the documentation how to use it quickly, effectively, and professionally…

I’ve read the following in order to learn enough to get started but there has been frustration since some references are out of date and NPM packages don’t always play nicely especially as versions have changed since the outset. I particularly like Visual Studio 2017 Community IDE so focusing on Microsoft stack. (NET Core 2. EF Framework Core, SQL Server) using SPA templates since these can be used for best practice in convention programming.