Looking for Au2 equivalent function

I found a solution to the runtime element problem that has cropped up a few times… In aurelia 1, and needed the “CLI bundler with AMD module loader”.

The key was in aurelia/framework → framework-configuration.ts:82 and 94.
Long story short, it worked because the CLI bundler left an array on globalThis with all the resources accessible (and extendable).

I’m looking to replicate this functionality on Au2, but it seems that the ViewEngine and it’s importViewResources have mutated in Au2. Au1 used a series (actually, parallel) of loaders for the different bundlers, it looks like Au2 uses a transformer to align them (@kernal/module-loader) but I’m having trouble tracing where Au2 looks up things.

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Can you please elaborate what you are trying to fix?

Fix? Nothing.

I’m looking to create a more generic client that can instantiate resources sent by a server(s) at runtime.