[New release] Beta 22

Happy Monday folks! It’s that time again for a new beta release: beta 22 is here Release v2.0.0-beta.22 · aurelia/aurelia · GitHub

As usual, please help try it out and file issues for any bugs/unexpected behaviors you run into. You can also join this Discord thread if you prefer.

Previous releases:

What’s Changed


  • ast: correct null/undefined handling (#2055) by @bigopon (b96d7c4)

    the default non-strict mode now behaves like optional syntax: property access on null/undefined will return undefined
    null/undefined function calls will return undefined. The rest will behave like standard JS, including strict mode

  • observers: change callback timing to after notify (#2039) by @ekzobrain, @bigopon (1e587e1)

    bindable callback will be called with the timing as “after all have settled”, instead of “right when new value comes”

  • parser: no longer provide default to exp parser interface (#2024) by @bigopon (b55cbcd)

    In build time compilation, template expressions are parsed at build time, we don’t need to bundle the expression parser code again.
    This cleanup is to prepare for that.

  • ast: separate & allow binding behavior and value converter evaluation to be optional (#2058) by @bigopon (7d7e21b)

    Try simplify the interface of ast evaluator so that evaluating ast doesn’t always require value converter/binding behavior to be supported.
    This is useful in scenarios where we dont need those two: watch/effect/computed/validation message etc…


  • observation: ability to watch an expression (#2059) by @ekzobrain, @bigopon (6cd6b8d)
  • runtime-html: reuse host and hostController (#2043) by @Sayan751 (0fe216e)
  • bindable: support aggregated callback (#2033) by @ekzobrain, @bigopon (7cdf3f0)

Bug Fixes:


  • vite-plugin: add vite instruction for tailwindcss-integration.md (#2028) by @hdzcalmir (47913c5)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: Comparing v2.0.0-beta.21...v2.0.0-beta.22 · aurelia/aurelia · GitHub


Yeah! Go Go Aurelia!