[new release] beta 23

Happy Monday folks!, it’s that time again for a new beta release: beta 23 is here :smiley:

This time, our release is accompanied by a blog post, come and check it out Aurelia 2 Beta 23 Release and Updates | Aurelia

If you are only interested in the changelog: Release v2.0.0-beta.23 · aurelia/aurelia · GitHub
This release marks the first phase of our template type checking, a long requested feature. Note that it’s still experimental, and aimed to cover the most important areas first. Let’s thank @Sayan751 for his hard work :hugs:

As usual, please help report any issues/unexpected behavior you run into either here, Github issue or here. If you wanna have a chat, come to our discord thread for beta 23 at Discord

Previous release announcements: