I am trying to duplicate something that is written in html that uses select2.min.js.
I have the following in my html view:
<require from="./include/select2.min.css"></require>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./include/select2.full.min.js"></script>
<select id="statusBox" name="status_code"
class="select2StatusBox" style="width: 250px;"
<option model.bind="null"></option>
<optgroup repeat.for="statcode of status_code_list"
<option repeat.for="descr of statcode[1]"
${descr.statcode_id} - ${descr.descr} (${statcode[0]})
All that happens is that the entire list gets output to the html as a list of items, and not as a combobox/dropdown.
Is there no way to include the javascript file from another source, and then have it load into aurelia so that it’s usable?
There are many ways to do this, but the easiest way would be to include select2.min.css and select2.min.js in your index.html.
Then in your customer.js (you have a js file don’t you?) inside attached()
do what you need to do to initialize select2 on whichever controls you need.
How do I call attached()
? Do I just set it in my js file, and then it will just run?
Thanks so much for the tips.
I’ve got an app.html, will that work instead of index.html?
Thank you, that helped a lot!
Here is what I am trying to duplicate from the old.html file:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
matcher: select2_category_filter
$(".select2StatusBox").on('change', function (event,el) {
var selected_element = $("select2:select", el);
var selected_value = selected_element.val();
var parent_optgroup = selected_element.closest('optgroup').attr('label');
selected_element.val(selected_value).trigger("select2:select :updated");
Here is my customer.js file:
import {$, jquery} from 'jquery';
window.jQuery = jquery;
window.$ = jquery;
attached() {
jquery(document).ready(function() {
matcher: select2_category_filter
jquery('.select2StatusBox').on('change', function (event, el) {
var selected_element = $("select2:select", el);
var selected_value = selected_element.val();
var parent_optgroup = selected_element.closest('optgroup').attr('label');
selected_element.val(selected_value).trigger("select2:select :updated");
I am getting a javascript error: Object(...) is not a function at Customer.attached (customer.js?c3fd:370)
It appears to be complaining about my use of jquery
, but I am not sure what else I should be doing?
I feel that you are trying to use Aurelia in traditional web application. Not as a SPA framework. If my understanding is right, have a look at aurelia script to use aurelia inside your web application.
I am trying to translate an app into Aurelia SPA framework, but this might have potential to get me around what I am trying to do in particular for this one piece of it.
Thanks, I will give it a try!