Validation on select inputs

I have something like this:

inputs = {
    make: {
      options: [...],
      value: '-1'
    model: {
      options: [...],
      value: '-1'
      .satisfies(value => value !== '-1')
     .satisfies(value => value !== '-1')
<div repeat.for="input of inputs | keys">
  <select  value.bind="inputs[input].value & validate" >
    <option repeat.for="option of inputs[input].options"  value.bind="option.value">

They when the user click a button this is called:

async validate() {
    const result = await this.validationController.validate()
    if (result.valid) {

However, the rules don’t seem to get applied and the result is always valid. Any thoughts?

I think it’s due to this:

If I add in:

<select class="form-select" value.bind="inputs.make.val & validate">
    <option repeat.for="option of inputs.make.options" value.bind="option.value">

Then validation seems to be working.

Note that this is not yet supported. There is already an issue for this: Validation triggering not working on dynamically accessed props · Issue #1623 · aurelia/aurelia · GitHub.

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