Connecting to my original GAG post I am proposing a bit more structured approach to this project, addressing mostly @y-io, @enrico-padovani , @jonathan.eckman, @alexdresko as well as any others who might decide to join this Aurelia Community wide task.
Given the relatively significant interest in Aurelia CLI, combined with the nearly absolute lack of documentation and samples, I am proposing to start with Aurelia CLI project first - as it might be sufficiently complex to warrant a solid discussion on how to design it and how to implement it.
The key assumptions is people will be interested in understanding the steps taken from the code generated by the current Aurelia CLI desktop application to the fully fledged equivalent of the standard Navigation Skeleton applications. This approach to documenting Aurelia CLI is more obvious knowing that at some point in the future, the Aurelia CLI application will indeed be able to create and manage such Navigation Skeletons - and more.
To initiate the discussion I am proposing the following outline:
CLI user guides present all “transformations” that need to be applied to the given generated “basic” code in order to create the equivalent of the related Navigation Skeleton. Since CLI supports a variety of languages, platforms, loaders and hopefully soon CI-CD solutions, this sections is subdivided as shown below:
CLI developer guides is envisioned as lot more formal and condensed content of section 1. CLI user guides which is intended to be used by the Aurelia CLI core team lead by @jeroenvinke and @eisenbergeffect as data for subsequent Aureli CLI development work.
So, our Community Technical Writers Team will be working on the section 1 - assuming that we do not change this proposed structure in the discussions that should follow this post.
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It is pretty clear that Discourse is not a good media to conduct discussion about architecture and implementation in the needed details as even the support for embedded HTML is not as nice as GitHub, so while we should continue discussing pros and cons, interest in participation or proposal for modification of parts of this task, as soon we we reach sufficient concensus - we will branch of to GitHub, where I am already preparing a better home for this 
Agree we should start with CLI. Agree that GitHub will be a better place to work from. Lead the way. Let me know how/when I can help (in my humble capacity).
Good work.
Hello @frankmonroe and @zewa666
I am in the full swing of preparing the complete context for this project which includes:
I am sharing this with you (Frank) only since you gave the clear signs of interest in this project, so I am planning to use its creation and a bit of additional work as the “tutorial” for any other projects that we may choose and which get sufficiently staffed.
P.S. everything you find in this project is subject to further discussions - just as defined in the set of rules for our Community efforts. While I am happy to lead this effort, this does not make me a boss 
Ack! Looking forward. Please remember that I am new to Aurelia so I will help the best I can but I do not feel I can contribute ‘new’ content until I get more comfortable. For now, I can review/test/copy edit and give opinions.
Looking a the new comments posted today in discourse we see it repeated again that documentation and tutorials are important “For us (we are a bunch of Java developers) good documentation and examples are important. - @dan” "Vue is fantastic. It is small, well documented, working, fairly easy to understand. But I love Aurelia as well. It took some time to set it up, documentation covers just tip of an iceberg, but once you have a good structure and you manage to go a little bit deeper in understanding how it works, it really pays off. @tomasbonco "
IMO for Aurelia to succeed it needs that (great documentation and be easy to ramp up) AND some hype (that’s another area).
I am aware of and “handling” all communications you just mentioned, including private messaging with people who were not ready to publicly share their concerns.
Being new to Aurelia might just be a blessing in this effort, as you may provide unbiased views and reasonings. What I care about is the desire to help and knowing how to think logically and structurally. I also plan to provide “private” trainings and discussions with people why might be hesitant to just step to the mile and start singing