Aurelia Realworld App

Have you heard of RealWorld?

RealWorld shows you how the exact same real world blogging platform is built using React/Angular/& more on top of Node/Django/& more. Yes, you can mix and match them, because they all adhere to the same API spec.

During summer I spent some time coding the frontend part in aurelia for the gothinkster/realworld Project. Help Request was in Aurelia Weekly Issue #6.

There is an Issue about the aurelia fork. It was initiated from @jadhavajay and the code can be found here.

Now I need your help!!!

The coding is finished since October 2017 but not yet listed on the README of the gothinkster/realworld Project! Unfortunatly @jadhavajay stopped responding after merging and commenting my PullRequests. Neither on github nor on the gitter channel. I would be very happy if you could push the issue or the gitter discussion forward. We should get Aurelia listed on Realworld to make it more popular. @EricSimons, the founder of realWorld, wants to merge the project, if someone other than me says its good enough.

All you need to do is a thumbs up :+1: on the Issue Comment! Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

1 Like

I did the thumbs up! Thank you so much for your work.
Having this published using Aurelia would really be something to help spread the word about Aurelia (IMHO).
@adriatic perhaps we can have/ask/beg the members of the community vote/push for this.
Thanks also to @ericsimons for the splendid concept - very useful!

Thanks to you all. :smile: We should push this ticket a little bit more.

We did it!!! :smile: Thanks to all of you who pushed this ticket further. Aurelia is now listed on the gothinkster/realworld Project Readme.

If you like star :star: the aurelia-realworld-example-app to give it more attention or to use it for your liking which would be the original intention of the project.

Thanks again.


Nice job! The demo link is a 404. Is that coming later?

Just stumbled upon a short article comparing the various front-end implementations of the realworld app. A Real-World Comparison of Front-End Frameworks with Benchmarks (2018 update)


:+1: gave it a star
Great work on the project, this was very useful for another framework project I m working on.
But noticed some parts when I was making mine and comparing it to this/Vuejs/angular etc.

  • aurelia should replace moment.js with date-fns, saves 10-15kb gzipped. (make it faster)
  • favorite buttons on posts on home page isnt working, and displaying green when loaded/is favorite
  • tags is supposed to display with “#tagname” on right side of “global feed” when u click on them
  • clicking on favorite/follow does not redirect to sign-in page when not signed in.
  • I think post is supposed to display markdown as html (with something like “marked” npm package)
  • might be more minor stuff, but those is easy to notice

@bigopon latest PR’s might speed up stuff too, so might be worth looking at, so it does even better at comparisons people do :slight_smile:

Please do not take the error I listed as complaining, just trying to help make it look and behave better, this project really helped me when I made my own.


Thanks @vegarringdal. That does indeed help! We should look in speed comparison :slight_smile:

I dont see any PRs from @bigopon. Which ones do you mean?

Better @bigopon post a link to those if they are ready ( yes forgot where to find them :-))

@vegarringdal @loaded02 I have summarized what Vegar mentioned about at

— see moving, see new post

Online light house tests:

Can find all realworld apps here:

Atm looks like aurelia is doing very good when I tried:





@vegarringdal nice job!
this one points to aurelia:

@vegarringdal @loaded02 none of those links work

yes, looks like they only last for a day or two.
but the first link is where you can make a new one.

I should have just saved demo links for other frameworks :slight_smile: