Change a date from 2 inputs, binding two-way recursive-error

Hi all,

anyone know why when i set a date from moment and “this.test” (my variable") and it’s also binded in the view it crashs?

Thank you all,

I got it.
There is a problem with the binding.

value.two-way became recursive but :

how can do change a date from input dialog or another input( nights)

If i change night the “DateEnd” change correctly but the control is value.two-way so it continues for a loop to raise the property and go in error…

How can set the date so?

You will need some guard condition to prevent syncing, if you can provide a repro of what you want to achieve, it will be easier for folks to explain and help.

The right way to solve this is using a value converter that has a single object for the date.

export class App {
  date = new Date();

export class AsDateValueConverter {
  // we store the value to capture current state
  value = new Date();
  // to view expects a Date object
  toView(date) {
    // if the value exists and is different from the current value
    if (date && !this.equal(date, this.value)) {
      // we update the current value
      this.value = date;
    // and we pass the value of the current value (not the incoming value) as a string to the view
    console.log('toView', this.toString(this.value));
    return this.toString(this.value);
  // fromView expects a date string
  fromView(dateString) {
    // we parse the date
    const date = new Date(dateString);
    // if the date is valid and different from the current value
    if (!isNaN(date.getTime()) && !this.equal(date, this.value)) {
      // we update the current value
      this.value = date;
    // and we pass the value of the current value to the view model
    console.log('fromView', this.value)
    return this.value;
  // we define a custom function for determining how the value should be displayed in the view
  toString(date) {
    const year = date.getFullYear();
    const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
    const day = date.getDate();
    return `${year}-${month < 10 ? '0' : ''}${month}-${day < 10 ? '0' : ''}${day}`;
  // we test for equality based on what results in a similar view to prevent infinite loops
  equal(dateOne, dateTwo) {
    return this.toString(dateOne) === this.toString(dateTwo);

Running gist here:

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