Getting started/migrating to AU2 for .Net projects

I have a few sites that use Aurelia and I feel like it is time to start testing them with the new version. I was enticed into using Aurelia a few years back when I used the Aurelia dotnet template and compared it to the React and Angular templates. For me it was an easy choice. Right now, I am finding it difficult to keep up with all of the security updates for the dependencies of my AU1 projects and getting to WebPack 5 is becoming a priority. I also upgraded what I started with using the AureliaDotnetTemplate on Github.

Is there a getting started document or newer template somewhere that I can start with?

Thank you!


This is a package for using the new SpaServices of .net core 5 with Aurelia.
In the folder AureliaAspNetCore there is an example of Aurelia 2 application working with .net core. I have used it to starting point to migrate my projects to AU2/.net 5.

The main update I have needed(only in some projects) is using a fixed port for the webpack application and replace the spa.UseAureliaCliServer("start"); of the example (that calls the npm start to run the application) with spa.UseProxyToSpaDevelopmentServer("http://localhost:50662"); and starting the webpack server “manually” executing webpack server --port 50662.

(and by the way, AU2 is absolutely great!)

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