Need updated controls list in aurelia

Can you please tell where I can see all supported controls list in aurelia?

Because we are analyzing new UI feasibility in aurelia. We have some new UI design

In aurelia site I could not see clearly?

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If you mean a list of components / elements in aurelia-ux, this is a useful source

If you follow the project though ( you will find that a lot of progress has been made; an almost whole new UX library is in the oven.

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I have made some Aurelia wrappers about the Material Design Components from Google.

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Also see Aurelia Materialize Bridge

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@arjendeblok - if you intend to maintain this project for the foreseeable future, I would be pleased to work on some components. E.g. Icon Button. Please get in touch if that would be helpful.

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My 5 cents, as a long time materialize bridge maintainer, if you’re looking for material UI, check out aurelia-ux. Don’t let 0.* version discourage you, the framework is pretty stable and a no-brainer.
The most up-to-date demo is here or here.
I’m now using it in a fresh project at work and happy so far.
The docs are incomplete at the moment, but so far I was able to discover the API surface just by looking at the code and the demo app.


There are bridges for Kendo UI and the jquery version of syncfusion controls

I started a bridge for Synfusion’s pure javasccript controls. It’s a rough work in progress based around the work others have done with the bridges and the state it is in is just good enough for my teams needs.

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I think Syncfusion products are commercial.

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They are. Sorry you didn’t say free only


@MaximBalaganskiy - I’d like to contribute to the Aurelia-UX project. For example, I see that Tabs are not yet implemented. Who do I contact please?

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Generally, let’s start by creating an issue on the repo itself? For tab component, you can see we have an existing issue with label “help wanted” :wink:

You can see the most recent release here

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Thanks @bigopon - so should I fork the project and start a branch using that issue? Is that the best place to start?

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Well, i’d say do whatever you see fun/fit. Like go away for 2 days and finish an implementation and comes back with a PR, or discuss for 2 days and then start working on an implementation or any other way.

Oki doki @bigopon - I’ll continue this discussion on the issue. Thanks for your guidance.