WebRTC video/data and motion sensors

Just wanted to share a new application with its client-side written using Aurelia. It consists of a lot of fun stuff, for example:

  • Auth0 authentication (both client and server side)
  • WebSocket communication (with aformentioned Auth0 token authorization)
  • One-way WebRTC video and data channel communication
  • Advanced (not really :)) trigonometry
  • Orientation sensor usage
  • PIXI.Js video overlay

Disclaimer, I am the creator of this app. It is free to use, but it does require you to log in to be able to use it. This is to allow the application to automatically get a WebRTC session going between two devices.

Visit hitchangle.com to read more and I would love it if some of you would try it out.

Always a pleasure working with Aurelia!


Looks pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.


Nice, choosing dark UI makes it pretty dark :smile:

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Yeah, the dark UI is only intended for full-on daylight (bright) video :slight_smile:

Did you get the video feed and HUD working?

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Im not with any HUD, but ill keep in mind and try later

Yeah, I’m afraid the application isn’t very exciting if you only look at the vehicle view, without connecting a second device.