Who is excited for the alpha release on March 2?

I’ve been using Aurelia 2 for a little while now pre-alpha (changes and all), and I am excited for everyone else to start playing with it as well. Has anyone got any cool migrations or apps planned for v2, or just planning to noodle around a little bit and see what’s new?




I will certainly start playing around with v2 soon. :rocket: :sunglasses:

I am currently developing a medium-sized application based on TypeScript and Aurelia v1. I consider making a separate parallel version of that same application with Aurelia v2 as well when the Alpha version is released.

However, I will remain mainly focused on Aurelia v1 until a stable (production/RTM) release of Aurelia v2 becomes available. So I certainly hope that the maintenance of v1 will not get affected too much until then.


I will certainly play a bit.
BTW, I was looking the krausest/js-framework-benchmark site with frameworks benchmarks and I notice the aurelia was missing, but is not missing is just hidden due an error (maybe related keyed/no-keyed tests). I also step in an article by the autor of solid frameworks comparing frameworks and he kind of ignored aurelia in all camparisons beetwen frameworks, and his reason was, aurelia was hiden in that benchmark tool the he was using in the article.
Initially my thoughs were, well let me fix the bug, and try aurelia 2 to see the benchmark results, but I figure out that maybe it needs more work than what I was expecting. Any one knows a strategy to provide a good keyed/non-keyed implementation?


@MaximBalaganskiy You did this so fast! Well done :slightly_smiling_face:


very exited to see this beautiful masterpiece.


@dwaynecharrington Awesome! just noticed the blog post. I’ve recently started a new business and we’re now in the planning phase for a frontend. Our current prototype is written with Blazor and it works, in particular there seems to be plenty of support for evolving this frontend later on in a PWA and/or electron app. In previous projects I’ve used aurelia (as well as react, vue and angular) and though I don’t yet see the value of going back to those technologies for reasons, I’m also reluctant to embrace Aurelia V1 again simply for the lack of a continuation plan. Except perhaps for V2

I really like the design philosophy of V2 and it really fits with my team, however with limited budget I don’t have much room to bet on an alpha, perhaps… Can you give us insights into the upcoming plans for Aurelia (beyond alpha). What time frame is expected for a beta and perhaps event a ‘Thumb twiddling’ release? And if this timeline is shared, do you expect it to be more realistic compared to the suggested alpha release dates that we had before?

Assuming that AU2 is similar to 1 and that a reasonable timeline is planned out that works with my new business, I could see us embracing AU2 for our upcoming release (planned later this year). Since this is an open sourced business targeting developers, it could help in popularizing Aurelia and I’d be happy to be an advocate but as my life savings goes into this business, I will need some clear communication from the Aurelia teams end on what’s to be expected.

Of course since the Alpha will be released within the next 24 hours, I will try it out and assuming that the initial experience is decent, I don’t expect a timeline right away, however half way through March we’ll be nailing the final plans to our actual frontend so my window of deciding on the technology is shrinking and the faster we can get visibility regarding Aurelia plans the better.

Much appreciate the AU team for their hard work!


Thanks the AU team very much!


Glad to hear it is finally out, thank you! We maintain several enterprise AU1 projects which will definitely not be upgraded to AU2, and we have some currently in development. For future projects, I would like to use AU2, unless we find it is not stable and usable enough :slight_smile:

Awesome, look forward to trying the components out.

We have Krause at in our main repo already. We used it to keep track of our performance throughout development. It may have fallen behind on some improvements, but definitely would aid in creating a submission for au2 soon.

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