CodeSmash (Built with Aurelia)

Hey guy, as recently mentioned, I’ve started working on a new No Code platform. I’ve created a drag’n’drop demo which demonstrates how to visually edit your cloud architecture and export the schema as Terraform files for use on your cloud platform of choice! :slight_smile:

Let me know if anyone is interested in contributing since I’m still looking for good Aurelia devs!


At this point, you can fully connect each node however you want. I’m getting ready for an MVP soon, which will allow users to actually export your Terraform files packaged in zip files.


Cool project! The UI is looking great.

I guess account login is not implementet yet. It would be nice to have the same Coming soon popover as you have for Terraform export / Github syncing

Is it open source? If so, could you please link to it.

Keep it up!


Hey Anton.

I’ve only been working on this now for 2-3 weeks, so yeah, not much has been implemented. The goal is for the project to become a new No Code platform like Bubble, but without lock-in.

That’s going to be the trickest part but its possible because all the UI features will actually be stored as code in user’s private repo. That means, users will be able to launch full-stack apps with one click, all the while having access to their code in Git repos, so that the devs can work on them in VS Code as well.

It’s not open source yet, but there will be open source features, because I will allow the users to creaze their own providers, so that they can use other technologies besides Terraform. This thing needs to support frontend processing as well, so the users can choose front end frameworks as well like, Aurelia, Angular, React, etc. So yeah, there will be a lot of opportunity to contribute.

Rest assured I can deliver this project, since I already single-handedly built a social network before. You can read more about my experience here.

I’ll keep you all posted here and if you are interested in becoming a co-founder, feel free to let me know.


Some more updates about the progress. It wasn’t easy to add a feature where you would clear the lines, because you can’t actually click on them! But I figured out a way which still makes sense! :joy:

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Getting closer to the MVP! This time, we show how you can add AWS resources to your canvas and make them part of your stack.


Looks very promising. Have you thought about outputting to Terraform eventually?

Yeah, for the MVP, its going to output Terraform files in a zip file. The actual goal is to store your files in a Git repo by default, so that any change automatically triggers your CI/CD pipeline.

I am impressed how quickly you’re developing this. I assume so much heavy lifting is happening on the back-end. Certainly Aurelia is saving you tons of time on the client; but I’m also wondering what platform’s working in the back-end to make developing this project so (seemingly) efficient :hushed:

Hey Andy, I’m just reusing all the infrastructure that I built when I was dveloping my social network Immersive Communities.

As stated above, you can read about it in my Medim article. I go into detail about how I built it and which technologies I used to get it done, but just to give you a summary.

Its serverless architecture build on AWS. The page is served from an S3 bucket and distributed globally using Cloudfront. I access the data with AppSync and store it in DynamoDb database. In order to set up the cloud infrastructure I used Terraform. All of this is maintained in CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodePipeline which is what I used to build my CI/CD pipleine.

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Hey guys, we’re back with another video! :wave::smiley:

This time, we’re letting you know more about our No Code platform CodeSmash and that we have a roadmap for what’s next. Make sure to keeps checking up on our progress because we will soon add the following features:

  • Create your account
  • Save your Stacks for later
  • Store your Stacks in Git repos by default

Yes, setting values to Input fields in now available!


Hey everyone.

I’ve decided on the following pricing for my No Code platform.
Let me know what you think regarding the feature/price ratio, and especially compared to what the competition is offering.

Personal - $49/monthly
Business - $149/monthly
Enterprise - $2,479/monthly
Lifetime Deal - $21,000

Feel free to check it out at

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Bought a new 43" monitor after a 5 week break from programming. Now continuing to work on CodeSmash! :slight_smile:


Just recently opened CodeSmash to signups.

I also mentioned that I built CodeSmash and in particular my slick popup message prompt with Aurelia in my new YouTube video.


After a lot of work, the first payment for CodeSmash has arrived. I’m really grateful to the Aurelia community for building such an awesome framework without which, my work would have been so much harder, if not impossible! Thanks everyone! :smiley:


Two awesome pieces of news this week! First one is that I signed up a new client with a large custom development project for $100 monthly subscription! :smiley: The second news is in the post below!

The automated API builder has just been launched today! I already showed it to 2 of my clients and they LOVED it! If you need a REST API, consisting of AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda and AWS DynamoDB, and you want to launchi it with a single click, then feel free to try it out now!

A YouTube video on how to set it up, for those who dont know how, is coming out this weekend.

Serverless Aurelia

Looking for open source contributors if anyone is interested.

I’ve just released a fully customized Serverless Aurelia v1 template, ready to be deployed. I’m now aiming to have this template deployed automatically to AWS, similar to how you can launch websites with Vercel. The goal is for my platform CodeSmash to automatically deploy this template from your Git repo into AWS! :smiley:

Since its using Aurelie v1, it would be great if anyone could upgrade it to v2, or update any packages which are outdated and have warnings or vulnerabilities. Any contribution is highly appreciated.

Supports Out of the Box

  • records
  • custom build folder
  • hot module reload
  • html-webpack-plugin
    • index.ejs template
  • copy-webpack-plugin
    • robots.txt
    • sitemap.xml
  • url-loader
    • imports images
  • resolves node_modules
  • dynamic import
    • build manifest
    • split chunks and load with dynamic import(‘…’)
  • performance hints
  • postcss-loader
  • mini-css-extract-plugin
    • css-loader: loads css files
    • sass-loader: loads saas files
  • ts-loader
    • loads TypeScript files

Next Steps

You can launch this template locally or on a server but ideally, you will serve it in a serverless manner on AWS. On AWS, 50TB of data costs $0.023 monthly. You will soon automatically be able to deploy the following:

  • Aurelia App in your Git repo
    • multiple branches
  • CICD pipeline
    • automatic builds when you commit the code
    • automatic deployments to serverless S3 bucket
  • S3 bucket
    • low cost high availability storage
  • Cloudfront
    • Global CDN distribution for your app
  • GraphQL/REST API
    • AWS Lambda computation
    • DynamoDB NoSql database

One more paying customer onboarded!